About Freedom Rising Ministries
Freedom Rising Ministries exists to come alongside people no matter where they are in life and convey a message of truth and liberty in Christ; to help people understand that beyond the valleys of life there is always hope; and to proclaim an awesome Savior who is willing to take them by the hand, obliterate their shame, guilt and pain, and lead them to freedom.
To encourage those who are hurting; proclaim hope to the lost and the broken; and deliver the message that no matter what lies behind, grace and freedom can be found ahead.
Scriptural Foundation
“It was for freedom that Christ set us free.” Galatians 5:1a
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36
“When once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:32b
Freedom Rising Ministries is about just what the name says – rising into freedom.
Many of our personal journeys have made us intimately familiar with enslavement that comes from brokenness, mistakes, shame and hurt. We know too well the dark valleys that we might find ourselves in, plodding forward like emotional zombies, so accustomed to pain that we’re hardly aware of anything but taking the next step. Or the frightening valleys that result from facing up to flaws and mistakes we’ve made. Or the agony of hurt that someone else’s choices has caused.
My own story contains all of these elements. I have known hurt personally, just like we all have.
In addition, and far worse than any hurt I experienced, has been seeing where my choices hurt others. Knowing that I landed in the wilderness because of my own choices is one thing. Seeing where others were unwittingly dragged there with me, was exponentially harder.
But throughout my own journey, I know one thing: the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:3) was always there. And I know that He consistently placed around me people who are incredible instruments of His grace and love.
Emerging out of my own personal journey, and galvanized by Jesus’ words to Peter in Luke 22:32 – “once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers” – I want nothing more than to do what I can to help people who may be in the bad places now. To give people the message of freedom in Christ, as proclaimed by Paul of Tarsus: "It was for freedom that Christ set us free" (Galatians 5:1)
Chains are not intended to be status quo, and bondage is not the norm.
Enslavement – whether self-inflicted or brought on by others – is never in God’s plan for His children.
You are meant to be free!
Hear me on this:
Whether your shackles are the result of your own life choices, or you were a victim of someone else's choices - you are meant to be free!
If you never read another word I write, I pray that truth stays with you.
So, welcome to the site. Thanks for stopping by. While you’re here, please take a look around. Check out the links, read the blog posts and join in the conversation. Also, don’t forget to check out the Facebook page.
But most importantly, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there's something I can help with. It would be my privilege to help you understand the awesome Savior who holds you in His unfailing grasp even as you read this.
Each of our stories is important, and represents another tile of this complex and beautiful mosaic we call life. That’s why I appreciate each person who visits, and always welcome your inputs and feedback.
I am truly excited about sharing this journey and discovering this freedom with you.
Stay strong, love always, and live free!
Freedom Rising Ministries exists to come alongside people no matter where they are in life and convey a message of truth and liberty in Christ; to help people understand that beyond the valleys of life there is always hope; and to proclaim an awesome Savior who is willing to take them by the hand, obliterate their shame, guilt and pain, and lead them to freedom.
To encourage those who are hurting; proclaim hope to the lost and the broken; and deliver the message that no matter what lies behind, grace and freedom can be found ahead.
Scriptural Foundation
“It was for freedom that Christ set us free.” Galatians 5:1a
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36
“When once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:32b
Freedom Rising Ministries is about just what the name says – rising into freedom.
Many of our personal journeys have made us intimately familiar with enslavement that comes from brokenness, mistakes, shame and hurt. We know too well the dark valleys that we might find ourselves in, plodding forward like emotional zombies, so accustomed to pain that we’re hardly aware of anything but taking the next step. Or the frightening valleys that result from facing up to flaws and mistakes we’ve made. Or the agony of hurt that someone else’s choices has caused.
My own story contains all of these elements. I have known hurt personally, just like we all have.
In addition, and far worse than any hurt I experienced, has been seeing where my choices hurt others. Knowing that I landed in the wilderness because of my own choices is one thing. Seeing where others were unwittingly dragged there with me, was exponentially harder.
But throughout my own journey, I know one thing: the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:3) was always there. And I know that He consistently placed around me people who are incredible instruments of His grace and love.
Emerging out of my own personal journey, and galvanized by Jesus’ words to Peter in Luke 22:32 – “once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers” – I want nothing more than to do what I can to help people who may be in the bad places now. To give people the message of freedom in Christ, as proclaimed by Paul of Tarsus: "It was for freedom that Christ set us free" (Galatians 5:1)
Chains are not intended to be status quo, and bondage is not the norm.
Enslavement – whether self-inflicted or brought on by others – is never in God’s plan for His children.
You are meant to be free!
Hear me on this:
Whether your shackles are the result of your own life choices, or you were a victim of someone else's choices - you are meant to be free!
If you never read another word I write, I pray that truth stays with you.
So, welcome to the site. Thanks for stopping by. While you’re here, please take a look around. Check out the links, read the blog posts and join in the conversation. Also, don’t forget to check out the Facebook page.
But most importantly, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there's something I can help with. It would be my privilege to help you understand the awesome Savior who holds you in His unfailing grasp even as you read this.
Each of our stories is important, and represents another tile of this complex and beautiful mosaic we call life. That’s why I appreciate each person who visits, and always welcome your inputs and feedback.
I am truly excited about sharing this journey and discovering this freedom with you.
Stay strong, love always, and live free!